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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Arrays with Actionscript 3.0

An array is a list of items that can be used as variables. Rather than declare each variable separately, we do it all at once with an array. In this exercise we will experiment with a simple array to see how one works.

The Basics 

To begin, we'll create an array that contains a list of words. Then we'll use a button to retrieve one of those words from the list.

Creating text Dynamically (Flash AS3)

Putting text into a Flash movie is pretty simple—create a text box with the text tool, set the appropriate values for color, font, size, etc., and then specify if its dynamic, static or input text. To add text to a dynamic text box all you need to do is to place nameOfBox.text = "text to go in the box" in your code

Create a basic text box

Open a new Flash file and save it right away as createTextBox.fla

var myTextBox:TextField = new TextField();   
myTextBox.text = "Hello world!";   

Friday, May 15, 2015

Create Masking in Flash

Hi, .
Masking is revealing portion of your picture or graphic in the layer below. While surfing through net you might have come across lots of beautiful Flash effects such as ripple effect, some wording with sky background or glitter bordering an object, and wondered "How? What is the logic behind this.

Let's follow :

Inserting Layers and Naming them

Basic of HitTestObject Actionscript 3.0

Hello blogger,  this time on the basis of using hitTest Object. HitTestObject script is a script to detect the collision of an incident in which two objects touch each other. For more details see the following script :

1. Make two objects with a movie clip instance name "mc_box" and "mc_oval".
2. Later in the frame 1 press F9 to activate the actionscript window.
3. Then type the following script:

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